Wednesday 3 October 2012


LAUGH ALL YOU CAN. Because if i can , you can.


WHY DO WE LAUGH? WHAT IS COMEDY ALL ABOUT ? WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO LAUGH? WHY WHY WHY AND WHY? But have we asked  this kind of questions to ourselves? I'm pretty sure I have not. One thing i love to do, is to LAUGH. I absolutely love to burst out to laughters even if it's the lamest thing. I mean, hey? What is wrong with that? ;)

They say, laughter is the best medicine and tell me if im right or wrong, but to me, this quote is SO true. 

Here is the point. EVERYONE laughs. And there is not a single soul that does not laugh am i right? 
Some things can make us laugh for just a split second, some can make us laugh till we start rolling on the floor, some can make us laugh till we have tears running down our cheeks.  On today's class, Mr Charles have asked us to do our OWN comedy. He told us that it's hard to make him laugh. For that second, i stoned. I have never thought in making up my own comedy. For me, honestly I'm kinda shy in front of audience when comes to this topic. Because i normally make everyone laugh without knowing im going to make them laugh. LOL, get it?  But i believe I CAN :D. 

When we watch comedies, is when we want to find something to brighten up or day or otherwise, maybe it's our type of movies. Not only movies can consider as a comedy, how bout the people around you that makes you laugh all the time? They can consider as one too. 

Comedies, is the best thing that god ever created. I mean, seriously! I love how that i can laugh till my muscles are all tense up. (really) 
So, lets jump into range of comedies right now. Because i can't wait to start! 



Stand up comedies are really hilarious but some may think its offensive and hurtful because it contains a lot of racism and discrimination.  But the reason why stand up comedians are made for is to make everyone laugh. That is their purpose right? I mean, instead of watching comedies from movies, why not take chances to watch stand up comedies instead? Go on youtube, buy a ticket, or just drop everything and make an effort to go watch. You may never know? ;)

Nevertheless, stand up comedies are so entertaining because there is non stop laughters. And of course, the joke must be funny if not .......... yeah, it will be a disaster. 

Take for example, 


An indo-canadian comedian, actor and disc jockey. Im telling you, OH-MY-GOSH. I can laugh non stop at his hilarious jokes. You know for me, i'm very open minded. His jokes are more into racism and stuff like that. Don't get me wrong, i am not racist. But the way he puts his jokes isn't that hurtful because ......BECAUSE IT.IS.THE.FACT. 
 One thing, he does not have much facial expressions but he can just comes out with a joke in a snap of a finger. He explores and does his research a lot, to come up with jokes like that. & of course, he never fails to make fun of NAMES. Yup, especially NAMES.

Didn't i tell you? I WENT FOR HIS STAND UP LIVE PEFORMANCE in Malaysia?!?! 
You might say it is the same feeling watching him in youtube videos and watching him live, but im telling you , its not true. Seeing him live and feeling that atmosphere around you, gives you the excitement. It was so pack that night, but indeed it was not a regret. I really had a great time laughing. I definitely want to see him again! 

ticket to heaven! 

Watch one of his stand up comedies : 

Next up, 

Another stand up comedian that i like to watch is ;


generally acknowledged as Malaysia's youngest stand-up comedian

If some of you who does not know who he is, check him out! Andrew Netto is a sure fire hit with audiences of all ages with his original and creative stand up performances. 

I went for his stand up comedy ( yes, i know i have been to a lot of stand up comedies, lol) and he is something related to RUSSELL PETERS. But of course, they have both different techniques and jokes. I told Mr charles that RUSSELL PETERS looks like him , and he said '' yeah, all indians do look the same''. It's so true! I really can't observe their difference in physical appearances. 


Some of the jokes he says , might be offensive, but don't take it too hard. We are all here to laugh! :) 

*oh and yes, he changed his hairstyle if you might not notice*. 

Don't forget, this famous viral stand up comedy. I am sure you guys have watched this before : 


This is HANDS DOWN, one of the funniest stand up comedy i have ever watched. I remember watching this a few years back, and i non stop laughed until i literally CRIED. Yup, cried. It was so funny how '' Achmed '' does his own facial expressions and his voice was kinda creepy but still funny . I mean, look at him! His eyes especially. It looks scary but in the same time, i still laugh at his expression. The voice behind him is of course the one and only '' JEFF DUNHAM''. Man, he can really put out a ''dead terrorist'' voice.

Believe it or not,  this show have hit 156,818,864  on Youtube!

Instead of stand up comedies,  what inspired me is also famous comedians/actors in the movies.
Such as ...........

No other than,

YUP! JIM CARREY! i have watched his first show which was '' THE GRINCH''. 
Grince is one of my childhood favourite and how he actually disfigured his face with lots of make up to look like  the grinch character. So amazing isnt it? The way he acts its character and how he made me laugh, was undeniably funny. Another thing i like about him is his voice. He can create any kinda of tune to his voice according to his character. One of my favourites is his deep voice with an evil smile. HAHAHAA. 



I remember watching this movie many times and i have never get bored of it TILL NOW! 
He has been really an inspirational comedian to everyone. He can really pull of any kind of expression, even the simple ones to make people laugh. 

LOOK AT HIM! '' THE GRINCH'' doesn't even look like JIM CARREY! But , wow, he definitely suits that character. HANDS DOWN.

Besides the '' Grinch'', he also did a lot of movies such as :

BRUCE ALMIGHTY!! 100 percent , i rate this movie 10/10!
It's so good! This is a must watch.

MR POPPER'S PENGUIN! One of his latest shows in the movies. 
And i must give credit to the PENGUINS! They are soooooo adorable. OH, and yes, my friends always calls me penguin. Because i flap my hands when i get excited. LOL. 

CLICK TO WATCH '' jim carrey's funniest moments''.

My favourite scene in '' Bruce Almighty''.

LIAR LIAR as well.

This are a few examples i can show you because they are my top 10 favourite movies of him acting inside. 

Another comedian i really can't stop laughing at the lamest silliest guy on earth, 

B O R A T. 

Sacha Noam Baron Cohen is an English stand-up comedian, writer, actor, and voice actor. 
From what i have reseached, 

The movie was written and produced by English comedian Sacha Noam Baron Cohen. He also plays the title character, Borat Sagdiyev, a fictitious Kazakh journalist traveling through the United States recording real-life interactions with Americans. Much of the movie features unscripted vignettes of Borat interviewing and interacting with Americans, who believe he is a foreigner with little or no understanding of American customs. 

It is the second of three films built around Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G show (2002–2004). Ali G Indahouse (2002) featured acameo by Borat, and the third film, Bruno' was released in 2009.

I can say that BORAT is so viral among the world. Therefore, Borat is very dirty minded and disgusting , that is it's uniqueness right ? That is the main point of the movie. 
Im not much of a dirty minded girl, but hey, like i said before, im open minded. And i enjoy this kinda movie. 
Where as , some people find it very obscene and offensive because i agree, it shows too much of skin, sexism, racism and etc. 

I have just watched his latest movie which is : 

I feel that this movie did better than the last one. Of course ''BORAT'' symbolises his character and talk about his personality and lifestyle. But this is plain ( mind my language ) stupid. 

Man, i love him. Everything about his movies doesnt make any sense. But i like it.



Let see who is next shall we ? 

Before i start, i have shown you guys a series types of comedians which is facial expression , stupidity , and stand up comedy. 
But now im going to the next level, which is....

ADAM SLANDER, oh man, i know you love this guy dont cha? 

Adam Richard Sandler is an American actor, comedian, screenwriter, musician, and film producer. After becoming a Saturday Night Live cast member, Sandler went on to star in several Hollywood feature.

He is best known for his comedic roles, such as in the films billy madisonhappy gilmore , the waterboy , big daddy which is my favourite, and mr deeds, though he has ventured into more dramatic territory. 


isnt he just adorable??? 

Well moving on, yeahh, he did quite a number of movies. Even if it's a sad movie, funny move (of course), violent more and etc.. He still acts like '' the adam slander'' i know. One of the saddest movie he have done that i have watched is '' The click''. I  needed a whole box of tissue for that movie. 
It's funny yet sad as well. But he did great. 
More over, one of my favourite movie is '' anger managment''. HAHAH, that movie really suits him well, because he always play that angry role in every movie. 

He did a couple of movies which was '' 50 first dates ''. That was a meaningful movie to me. Because after i have watched that, i just keep replaying the movie over and over again. Also, he did movies like '' Just go with it'' with Jennifer Aniston'' which she is also considered a comedian. 
Dont forget he also acted in tones and tones of movies as well. Make an effort to watch them when you are free! 

best of adam slander.

Last but not least,

Classic MR BEAN!

i have to put this picture the largest, because i just cant stop laughing at him. 
I dont know why but i have fetish for actors face stamp on a baby's body. LOLOL. 

oh and if you don't mind, just saw this at FACEBOOK. LIKE OMG? 

hahahaha , SORRY SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANY OF YOU. But this is hilarious.

thats it for now!! 

crosses fingers.


For the record, i have not been CLOSE to a TIGER before. A wild one actually. ENJOY! :)

Saturday 29 September 2012


YUP! Yet another one of my very own self portrait. 
Mr charles gave us a brief introduction about self portrait during Contextual Studies and showed me a clear understanding of what is self portrait all about. 
Now, you must be wondering what on earth am I talking about in my caption? Well, in our 2-dimensional class, Mr Charles asked us to make our own SELF-PORTRAIT out of our creativity. 

Instead of drawing, painting and etc, Mr charles told us to make our own, SELF PORTRAIT by using organic /natural materials. Also known as ''TRASH''. Haha. 
I was thinking '' TRASH''? It's something different that i wanted to try and apply. 

So, I basically collected all my trashy natural materials that i can find and design my own SELF PORTRAIT! I love doing all this because MOTHER NATURE is so important to me and by designing this, will mean a lot. 

In class, i was preparing myself and started to outline my drawing and apply my creativity on to a white sheet of paper. Whatever i have applied it all comes with brainstorm, then the work in progress. 


TADAAAAAA! I know it looks simple. Because this is just the process in making. Every single detail here, is made out of the materials i took from home. Yes, people might think i could use better materials, but look at it the other perspective, i used materials that represents my look. And it came just the way i expected it to be. You dont have to buy materials, u could just dig up your trash bin and you could find something :D

I decided to go towards surrealism because it lets me use my imagination to create something out of these materials. Using such simple materials can also do absolutely anything i can think of. 

Moving on, NOW i would like to show you my FINALE of my own SELF PORTRAIT. I improvise it by using more of MOTHER NATURE stuff!!!

JENG JENG JENGGGGGG!! Here is my very own ORGANIC SELF PORTRAIT. Okay, i'm going to tell you what exactly i used for this SELF PORTRAIT. 

For my hair, of course we needed something long , so i used strings to symbolise as my hair and then decorated it with BLUE/YELLOW paper crepes and some leaves to bring out the contrast.  As for my eye brow, i picked out PINK STRINGS and my eyes, i used black seeds to symbolise it as my pupil and oats as my eye ball. 
Where as, my nose, i decided to use brown strings and some white seeds to create the texture. White flowers were for my lips and sticks/black pepper seeds were for my jaw. 

Everything else, i used to decorate it to represent myself. All this materials have no cost and its free!!! That's what i like about it. Picking up anything in the trash and I don't have to come out with any cent. 

One thing i love about this PORTRAIT, is because i can keep it forever and when i grow up, i could look at it again and give a good laugh about it. (lol) 

REMEMBER, think imaginative and you could do wonders !! 

Facial expressions of me. 

Till then! xx

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Monday, 24/09/2012


First of all I have never heard of Contextual Studies before and it is my first time getting to know all about this subject. And i like to give thanks to Mr Charles for actually giving me the opportunity to learn more about this subject! ;D   *excited*

I have done a few research about SELF - PORTRAIT. & I must say, many artists have inspired me. Their talent of them abstracting the details of these paintings, have driven me that these artists have so much confident and feelings! 

 Here are some research that i have done for this assignment  : 



Self portrait of MAO MARILYN

Russian artist - Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova 

Salvador Dali

Judith Supine 

Im amaze of how they tried different elements  and materials in making their own final piece of art work.  As you can see, each paintings have different emotions and creativity. Some people might tell me its a weird painting. But i say, this paintings have a story behind it. 

These are few other research that i came through and i find it interesting and unique as well! :)

My all time favourite, butterflies. 

I must say, during my research, these paintings actually somehow relates to my personality. Each painting have their own characteristics and details. These artists have their own ways of expressing their thoughts, imagination and feelings and no doubt, i am impress. 

PS : Will update very soon about my final self portrait and another self portrait that i have done in class which is more to mother nature. So, till next time! 

Sincerely, Jessica :)